It's hard to think that we have less than eight days left here and it's gotten to the point where I don't even know if I can actually grasp that reality. It seems like a daydream that in a little over a week I will slowly slip into my routine that I left at home. I think the most intimidating thing about returning home is I just don't know how it is going to seem. Will I remember everything I went through here, remember how I grew, or remember what I learned to truly appreciate? If I am able to remember and harness everything Australia has shown me and taught me, I think I am going to be a very full, happy person. I know I'll be especially full after I get to dine at everyone Bloomington eatery I have missed so dearly. 

I absolutely love this hostel because I have met so many people, each with their own stories. It's truly amazing what some people's adventures entail and my five month trip seems so short compared to how long some backpackers have been here for. We met two Americans yesterday from North Carolina, and they have been gone for over a year and a half! For the most part, it doesn't seem like people are trying to escape from something back home or be lazy; instead it seems like everyone is just trying to find something more. The two Americans had graduated from UNC, and decided it was time to see different parts of the world, so they went to India for four months before coming to Australia to live in Melbourne. A guy who is from Italy just decided to come to Australia so he could travel as well as improve his English. Another guy who is from the UK decided to come here after graduating from law school because he was unable to find happiness with his dead end job and suburban lifestyle. The "wanting something more" feeling is something Devin and I can both relate to because in the short amount of time we have been here, we feel like we have grown into completely new people. I feel like I view things so differently and with a more open mind, and it's really exciting. In order to grow, I think travelling and experiencing something different or out of your comfort zone is completely necessary. For instance, I now know if left completely on my own, I really would be okay. I would miss everything and everyone yeah, but I think that having that realization for me has been really sobering. While Australia is not too different from America, I think visiting a developing country would really be eye-opening. So who knows, maybe that is my next adventure?

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